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We used these OXO tot straw cups for around 10-12 months (when it became clear the thinner beginner straws were not wide enough).
We used OXO Twist Lid Straw Bottles once the kids were about 14-18 months old. I liked these because they have a tough rubber lid that never broke.
These are the straw lids I got for the Hydroflask. They come with a super long straw (you have to measure your bottle and cut it so it fits in your bottle & spout. Don't cut it too short. I recommend putting it on completely and marking it where you need to cut it, so it fits your spout well. Always cut it a bit longer and then take a small amount off at a time.
We still use these, but I notice there is a hole in the spout that can cause leaking if the bottle is not kept upright. What I do love about these is the Flex Boot that prevents cracking if the bottle falls. We started using these HydroFlask insulated straw bottles around age 4-5 and they keep their water cold for sports days.
These are the 21oz Hydroflasks that fit in carseat cupholders and the side pouch of the kids backpacks, as well as in their lunch bags (just slightly stick out on top). We started using these around age 5 for both kids (in addition to the shorterr HydroFlasks). I've never experienced these leaking, which is a huge plus because other bottles tilt over and the entire lunchbag becomes a puddle. This bottle didn't come with a sports spout, so I got the straw lid separately.
We started using these 16-ounce stainless steel KidBasix Safe Sport Spout bottles around ages 3-4, but they do make a 12-ounce spout top that is great for 2-year-olds!
We recently got these (age 6 & 8). I love them because they have a metal lining and metal straw. They are HEAVY though, so I only use them if we are not going to be carrying them around (for example, in a backpack or a bottle carrier). I dropped it on my foot once and I don't wish that on any child.